Army cutworms damaging wheat

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FOCUS on Entomology Contact: Patrick Porter (Extension Entomologist) Kerry Siders (Extension Agent IPM) Suhas Vyavhare (Extension Entomologist) A researcher at the Lubbock Center asked us to tell her what was eating up her ryegrass plots. Suhas Vyavhare and I checked … Continued

PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Wheat Industry Applauds the Trump Administration for Signing the U.S. Mexico-Canada Agreement into Law

National Association of Wheat Growers/U.S. Wheat Associates Contact: Steve Mercer, Vice President of Communications, U.S. Wheat Associates, (703) 650-0251 Caitlin Eanello, Director of Communications, National Association of Wheat Growers, (202) 547-7800  Today, the National Association of Wheat Growers … Continued