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General Information About Glyphosate
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension put together a list of basic information regarding the herbicide glyphosate.


Glyphosate Best Practices for Wheat
The National Wheat Foundation has provided a brochure outlining the best practices to follow when using the herbicide glyphosate on wheat.



Wheat Disease Identification
A guide for identifying common diseases.


Monitoring Wheat Fields for Seedling Rust
In the past several years heavy outbreaks of rust on seedling wheat, especially stripe rust, have warranted and responded favorably to an early fungicide application. This year (2019) the disease is present in high levels in the southern part of the state and fungal spores will be carried by wind to the rest of the plains where continued wet weather could provide for ideal disease conditions.


Yellow Foliar Symptoms in Fall 2018 Wheat (West Texas) |Calvin Trostle
An explanation of the symptoms seen after heavy rains in the High Plains and South Plains of Texas.


Managing Foliar Disease in NE Texas | James Swart
Suggested production practices that can be successfully used to minimize the impact of plant diseases and stabilize wheat production.



Fall Armyworm Control in Pastures
As a result of rainfall, fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda) are thriving across the northern, central and eastern portions of Texas. Below is some information on the biology of the pest, how to scout for them, and control options to mitigate damage.


Scouting for Bird Cherry Oat Aphids on Wheat
While feeding from this pest usually does not cause economic damage, it is an efficient vector for barley yellow dwarf virus, a disease known to cause economic loss in wheat.


Managing Insect and Mite Pests of Texas Small Grains
Integrated pest management (IPM) is the use of multifaceted techniques that are the most economical and ecologically sound to control insect and mite pests efficiently and effectively.


Invasive Species

Managing Herbicide Resistant Ryegrass in Northeast Texas
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is the most damaging weed in soft red winter wheat in Northeast Texas. Annual losses from this pest run in the millions of dollars. Over the past two years, there has been success controlling resistant ryegrass with a two-step herbicide program of Axiom (delayed preemergence to spike) followed by Axial XL (2-3 tiller ryegrass).


Management Tools

Nutrient Management Plan
Developing an efficient fertilization plan is fundamental when preparing for the growing season. Strategic planning can effectively aid producers in maintaining  inputs for optimal yields while potentially reducing fertilizer costs. Use these nutrient management guidelines to better manage nutrients in your wheat fields.


Winter Wheat Management Calendar
Winter wheat producers in the Rolling Plains and High Plains have a tight crop management schedule year-around. For the period between harvest and planting, growers often have only one to two months to make a range of decisions


The Importance of Controlling Volunteer Wheat
In order to minimize potentially significant yield reductions, it is recommended that the volunteer wheat crop be terminated at least two weeks prior to establishment of the next wheat crop in order to break the “green bridge”. Once the “green bridge” is broken, populations of insects and disease pathogens may not develop in the new wheat crop.


Wheat Replanting Considerations
Deciding when to replant wheat or add to a thin stand can be a very difficult decision due to the ability of the wheat plant to compensate for low populations and still provide acceptable yields.


Special Consideration for Prevented Planting and Enterprise Units (EU):
Enterprise Unit eligibility is based partly on planted acres. As a result, unplanted acreage could disqualify a policyholder from qualifying for EU if a specified threshold is not met. Please contact your agent to discuss the implications of PP and EU structure.


Estimating Wheat Yield Potential
In times of crisis or disaster, farmers want to estimate potential yield of wheat well before harvest. Wheat yield is a function of three yield components: heads per square foot, seeds per head and seed size.


Seed Testing Labs | Calvin Trostle
A list of places to get wheat and other seed tested for germination, vigor, etc.


Nitrogen and Wheat Grain Production — Topdressing Timing is Critical | Calvin Trostle
Sixteen Questions about N for Wheat Grain, Texas High Plains


Guidelines for 2,4-D Use in Wheat
2,4-D and Sensitivity in Small Grains


Pre-emergence herbicides in wheat – Kansas State University