PRESS RELEASE: Make Plans to Attend the 2022 Texas Wheat Symposium
The Texas Wheat Symposium and Amarillo Ag Appreciation Luncheon will be held Wednesday, November 30.
The Texas Wheat Symposium and Amarillo Ag Appreciation Luncheon will be held Wednesday, November 30.
Reposted from Texas A&M AgriLife High Plains Ag Week Blog High Plains Ag Week 9/26/2022 – Dryland Wheat Budgets Update Wheat Budgets Updates This week we update the wheat budgets for the rolling plains region and compare different production systems. … Continued
USW and NAWG welcome the introduction of the Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act of 2022 in the U.S. Senate.
Texas A&M AgriLife Research is anticipating the largest competitive grant in the organization’s history to expand climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices.
The Texas Wheat Producers Board presented the 2022 Texas Wheat County Agent of the Year award.
Grain prices remain strong, but heat and drought have taken a toll on Texas crop acres.
A recently released econometric study confirmed that two export market development programs administered by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) benefit wheat farmers…
Growers have concerns about wheat seed supplies for next year’s crop.
Soil moisture levels continue to decline in most areas of the state…
High fertilizer prices and dry weather have many Texas wheat farmers facing critical decisions…