Market Development in Action

In today’s agricultural landscape most producers understand that marketing their crop is just as important as growing it. That is why market development is a key initiative of the Texas Wheat Producers Board.

What is market development?

To the TWPB, market development means opening and protecting overseas wheat markets, solidifying domestic wheat marketing opportunities and increasing worldwide demand for wheat.

Who are the players?

The Texas Wheat Producers Board (TWPB) partners with several organizations to obtain the largest reach for every dollar invested in market development activities. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is one of the most important partners in developing overseas markets. USW has offices around the world with highly trained and specialized staff who understand the special needs of buyers in each market. These staff members organize and conduct countless seminars, technical trainings and educational events for overseas customers. Around the world USW personnel are relied upon as trusted professionals who know the wheat market better than most end-users. This relationship allows them to illustrate the benefits of U.S.-grown wheat to increase demand in foreign countries.

Although U.S. wheat is often more expensive than others in the world market, it is also the most sought after due to the efforts of USW personnel and programs.

Together, USW and TWPB monitor federal programs which provide financial support for market development activities. These programs are essential to Texas wheat growers and provide a much larger impact for overseas programs by matching producers funds and expanding market access. The organizations also tackle important legislative issues such as the Free Trade Agreements.

Plains Grains, Inc. (PGI) is another important partner of the TWPB. PGI’s goals are similar to those of USW, but the focus lies solely on Hard Red Winter wheat. Each year PGI coordinates and delivers timely quality and production data to Texas’ primary wheat customers allowing for increased sales. Involvement with PGI allows TWPB members to bridge the gap between Texas wheat producers, grain companies, and foreign and domestic flour millers to benefit all segments of the wheat industry.

The third leg of the market development team is focused toward domestic consumers and highlights the nutritional importance of wheat in a balanced diet. The Wheat Foods Council is led by registered dieticians who promote the health benefits of wheat through Internet communication, media interviews, and industry and consumer events.

How is the TWPB involved?

TWPB Member Ken Davis describes wheat characteristics to Nigerian customers.

Today’s marketing landscape is all about face-to-face interaction. The board attends educational programs for overseas customers to build relationships, hosts international trade teams who want to see wheat production in action and promotes Texas-grown wheat through state and national events. TWPB members meet and interact with foreign and domestic customers several times a year. The exchange of on-the-farm expertise and end-user requests results in stronger, more predictable markets for Texas wheat. The TWPB has representatives on the board of all three national organizations and is highly involved with all activities.

Most wheat growers do not have the time or opportunity to meet with their customers but through these market development programs, the TWPB continues to build relationships and increase the demand for Texas wheat.


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